Evaluation of Cerebral Volume Changes in Patients with Tremor Treated by MRgFUS Thalamotomy

Published in

Life (2023), 13(1):16


Bruno, F., Tommasino, E., Catalucci, A., Pastorelli, C., Borea, F., Caldarelli, G., Bellini, M., Badini, P., Mancini, S., Santobuono, C., et al.


The purpose of the study is to quantify volumetric variations of cortical and subcortical brain structures after Vim ablation using MRgFUS, and correlate them with the patients’ clinical features and treatment outcomes. For this pilot retrospective study we enrolled 31 patients with a mean age of 70.86 years who were eligible for unilateral Vim thalamotomy. Clinical evaluation included tremor severity assessment using the FTM scale and cognitive assessment using the MoCA score. MRI data were acquired with a 3T scanner, using a dedicated 32-channel coil and acquiring a volumetric sequence of T1 3D IR FSPGR (BRAVO), before treatment and one year after MRgFUS thalamotomy. Image processing and volume data extraction were conducted with dedicated software. A volumetric analysis showed a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of the left thalamus 1 year after the treatment in patients with ET. Other significant results were found on the same side in the other nuclei of the basal ganglia and in the cerebellar cortex. In confronting the two groups (ET, PD), no significant differences were found in terms of age, FTM, MoCA scores, or brain volumes. Similarly, no significant correlations were found between the FTM and MoCA scores and the brain volumes before the treatment.


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