Dr. Dr. Dirk Knüppel joins advisory board of mediaire GmbH

The successful physician and radiology executive will help mediaire realize its full growth potential and better address the needs of large international customers.

mediaire has developed rapidly in the last 3 years. Already 4 product generations of the meanwhile established neuroradiology package mdbrain have been introduced and the portfolio has been continuously expanded. While brain volumetry and dementia diagnostics were the focus in the beginning, radiologists can now also use the system for lesion characterisation, aneurysm detection and tumour characterisation. Further areas of application are in preparation and the system is also to be increasingly offered internationally after the initial successes in Germany.

To be able to take off successfully in this growth phase, we have expanded our advisory board and are very happy to have won Dr. med. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Knüppel for this. Dr Knüppel not only brings experience from consulting in the healthcare sector but has also successfully managed several outpatient and inpatient facilities in the healthcare sector as CFO, COO and CEO in recent years. Since 2020, he has been CEO of Meine Radiologie Holding GmbH & blikk Holding GmbH – the largest radiation medicine network in Germany – with a focus on radiology and radiotherapy.

“We are very happy to have Dr Knüppel at our side,” says Dr Andreas Lemke, CEO of mediaire GmbH. “His expertise on the advisory board will help us to further expand our market leadership in neuroradiology AI solutions in Germany and now grow exponentially internationally.”

“As a German AI company, mediaire is already making a significant contribution to more precise diagnoses while increasing efficiency in radiology. In my eyes, this is where the future lies, and I am looking forward to helping shape the mediaire brand and making it successful internationally.” adds Dr Knüppel.

Dr Knüppel will start his work at mediaire in January 2022.


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mediaire GmbH

Möckernstrasse 63
10965 Berlin, Germany

P +49 30 286 490 67
F +49 30 286 490 66

© 2022 mediaire GmbH


Experience mdprostate, the first fully-automated AI-tool including longitudinal assessment for the evaluation of prostate MRIs.

mediaire GmbH

Möckernstrasse 63
10965 Berlin, Germany

P +49 30 286 490 67
F +49 30 286 490 66

© 2022 mediaire GmbH